Tuesday, April 15, 2008

i'm back!

Hello again,

This is strange, to reveal some of your soul to cyberspace -- it is like facing the sea on top of a cliff, and letting yourself be vulnerable.

That is the secret me.

REALLY! insecure?
No way! they say -- you are such a powerful gutsy lady. and you just won second place in the bikini open at age 49 coming second only to a 20 year old lass?!
No way are you insecure/vulnerable.

yeah, right....
maybe i got through that crazy stuff because i was filled with beer, or maybe i just laughed away the antics just to give everybody a good time.

Now looking at the pictures, the videos, now i feel truly vulnerable. (so much skin! although not bad figure, right?)

Now, talking to my male colleagues, i do not know if the cordiality is due to their own memories of that day at the beach.

And the worst part is that my own 23 year old son saw my multiply site oh no!

So, as usual, i am going to do the gutsy thing.

post a picture of my crowning moment.




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